The More Things Change… Waging War On The Enemy Within
It was bound to happen. After millennia of man waging war around the globe for land, resources and personal vendettas, we’ve seemingly run out of enemies. Our attention has turned inward, to a foe that defies conventional lines of demarcation — faceless, invisible, without country or flag. The world has found the adversary it can unite over.
I always thought it would be aliens from outer space.
Remember that scene in “Independence Day” when President Thomas J. Whitmore gives a killer speech to rile up troops from around the world who are battling the extraterrestrial invaders?
“Mankind — that word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can’t be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests.”
Fucking Bill Pullman. The man is an American treasure.
You couldn’t help get a bit choked up by President Whitmore’s speech. It reminded us all that we have more in common than we realize, not the least of which is the desire to survive. We intrinsically understand that a risk to our species is a threat to our own personal existence. We’ve all been convinced that humans are the top of the food chain and our lives are more important than those of any other living organism — because, you know, it’s us.
It felt like this was one of those Independence Day moments in history when humanity would put their differences aside and come together as one. Yet, as I scrolled through social media for the first time in a week, there seemed to be just as much division as before the pandemic — it kinda bummed me out. I had been very positive through this whole experience, despite being in a business that requires people sweat all over each other. I think it’s probably because I’d been so depressed for so long that any day I wake up not wanting to kill myself is already a win. Nothing can feel worse to me than the mindset I was in. It seemed the more people were freaking out, the more calm I felt — until I checked my Facebook feed.
Behind the safety of their keyboards, people were arguing about who to blame, where their hatred should be focused and whether money was more important than human beings. In a time when the simple truth will save lives and lies will undoubtedly cost in every way imaginable, many still prefer to dispute facts, as if that is the way to solve their problems. It seems a lot of people would rather defend their position, regardless of its validity, than focus on getting everyone, including themselves, to higher ground.
So, while Covid-19 has provided a common enemy, we have still managed to remain separate in this fight. The very technology that is permitting our society to continue functioning through this pandemic is also preserving the vitriol that is the source of so many of humanity’s diseases. The virus that has forced us to further isolate ourselves from each other has not kept some from spreading hatred that serves no constructive purpose . It’s only the convenience with which one can share their destructive thoughts that seems to be preventing us from coalescing. Connection without accountability has its consequences.
Socrates thought democracy only as effective as the education of the participants. When everyone disagrees on 2+2, it will be difficult to see eye to eye on any further calculation. We are actually living in an unambiguous time, with truth vs fiction more clearly visible to the public than ever before, yet some have miraculously still been gaslit into not believing their own eyes.
Of course, our perspectives differ — That’s the only point to our individuality — to experience life uniquely as us. There are, however, some basic things we should agree on. One can argue against gravity all they want until they are forced to step off the roof of a high rise.
The internal struggle that this country has faced through its history is no different than the daily conflict we all experience. We fight against ourselves all day, the battle between right and wrong being played out in our heads. Sometimes it’s about eating that donut or drinking that beer and sometimes it’s deciding whether to cheat on your spouse or commit murder. We know the right thing to do and still choose wrong sometimes — people are constantly waging war on themselves.
It feels kind of like we’ve found a way to externalize that internal enemy. We’ve given it a name and declared it the opposing force that we are all facing. It has physically divided us at a time when we feel most vulnerable, forcing an already isolated culture to institutionalize its separation and manufacture connection through the technology it is already too dependent on.
It is the fostering of deeper methods of connection within the structure of modern technology that may be one of the great take-aways from this event. Digital connectivity is already a reality of daily life but our need for emotional connection will necessitate ways for us to communicate remotely and still experience the feelings we require to feel fulfilled as humans.
The hardware to make those feelings possible is already installed in all of us. As we gain control of our inner world and intentionally guide our own actions, we begin to filter out the judgments and past trauma that hinder our genuine communication with others, allowing us to react in the moment and listen rather than simply waiting for our chance to speak. FaceTime relationships are easier when you aren’t harboring irrational feelings caused by the negative chatter in your head.
Less personal interaction will require more effort to maintain close ties with people you won’t be in the same room with for a while. A lack of proximity will strain friendships, with mere acquaintances falling by the wayside.
This insane time is also a great opportunity to be alone with yourself. In a society which often laments the speed at which the world moves, nature has hit pause for us. If you do not take the time to look inside now, you must be free from such curiosity, or perhaps too trapped in survival mode to breathe. Don’t get me wrong, Netflix is great, but a little meditation will do anyone some good.
All of us experience versions of the same dilemmas that feel like the end of the world at the time, but we pretend we’re fine while convinced everyone else’s life is perfect. This time, we know we’re not alone, only we feel alone, because we’ve literally been told that we need to be alone.
Well, my fellow citizens of the internet, you are not alone. This shit really does feel crazy, no matter the angle you are looking at it from. But don’t worry, it will pass. We’ll get through it, even if we don’t.
At a time when Earth needs leadership, I leave you with the words of the great Bill Pullman:
“We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We’re going to live on. We’re going to survive.”